the friend online
01 December 2006

The hard road from Hungary to Wöllersdorf - preview

Katalin Shirley-Smith of Taunton PM describes her experiences with the Hungarian refugees fifty years ago

It is Christmas 1956 and, in Taunton, Somerset, our family – my husband, two sons, aged eight and eleven, and my parents on a visit from London – are celebrating in the traditional fashion
  • Little did we suspect what lay a few days ahead when the phone rang with a totally unexpected message: 'This is the Head Office of the British Red Cross in London to ask if you would consider joining our team in Austria, looking after refugees streaming across the Hungarian border, fleeing from the Russian occupiers
  • The uprising in Budapest has been crushed with dire consequences for those taking part or supporting it
  • '

    Katalin Shirley-Smith

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    Signed: Hilary Pinder, Clerk to the Conference 15.11.06

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    The colour of love
    Tim Makins
    Mike Woolliscroft & Tony Osborn
    Two Marys and their art
    Josephine Teakle
    The hard road from Hungary to Wöllersdorf
    Katalin Shirley-Smith
    Selling and signing off Old Jordans
    Andrew Clark

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