Darfur: background to a genocide - preview
In the last three years an estimated 400,000 people have died in the remote and arid western region of Sudan called Darfur In addition, three million people, or half the population, have been driven from their villages and are now in camps on either side of the Sudan-Chad border The United Nations warns that if humanitarian agencies cannot improve access to the camps, disease and hunger could claim as many as 100,000 people a month
Why is this happening?
The Black African tribes in Darfur have been deliberately targeted by Arab nomadic militias on horse and camel called the Janjaweed The fundamentalist Islamic government of Sudan give the militias wages, arms and ammunition In effect the regime in the capital, Khartoum, uses the Janjaweed as its proxies to ethnically cleanse the region of Darfur
Becky Tinsley
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Darfur: background to a genocide
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