the friend online
11 August 2006

Living our faith locally - preview

'The Directory of Quaker work as carried out by local Meetings in Britain 2006' brings together projects started by Quakers which communicate Quaker values and social testimony as well as reaching out to the wider community.

Examples of Quaker work: a loom supplied by IVDT; Coventry Peace House; young asylum seekers play in Leicester; Bainside Arts

Examples of Quaker work: a loom supplied by IVDT; Coventry Peace House; young asylum seekers play in Leicester; Bainside Arts
Sarah Santhosham, Jeff Austin and Sophie Ramsay found out about some of the projects

  • Ealing Friends Meeting House Form Filling Service
    This project has been running for five years with the aim of helping people to fill out forms
  • Run by volunteers, the project aids a wide variety of people: from those who are illiterate, speak little English or are blind, to those who have no confidence in filling out forms
  • The forms they help fill in are mainly Social Security and the project runs in association with Law for All, a non-profit organisation set up by two Quakers
  • The service runs as a drop-in centre on Monday evenings, and sees between two and five clients a week
  • For more information contact the warden on 020 8998 0992 or warden@ealingquakers
  • org
  • uk

    Sarah Santhosham, Jeff Austin, and Sophie Ramsay

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    Aspects of Mysticism - FREE sample article from the new Friends Quarterly available
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    News Round-up
    Finding the vision for Meeting for Sufferings from 2007 onwards
    Rachel Carmichael, Clerk to Meeting for Sufferings
    Jessica Metheringham & Judy Kirby
    Living our faith locally
    Sarah Santhosham, Jeff Austin, and Sophie Ramsay
    Endeavours to Mend
    Clare-Marie White
    Exploited and ignored
    David de Verny
    A kindly light
    Rommel Roberts
    Friends: link up!


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