Brummana postscript - preview
When Gillian Turner left in May, there was no hint of the events of July
When we left Beirut at the end of May, there was no hint of the terrible events to come in July We knew that Hezbollah was strong in various areas in Lebanon, that it had deputies in Parliament, ran schools and hospitals in the Palestinian camps and undertook a number of charitable works Now, seeing the bombing on television we remember the areas as we saw them
We did not go any further south than Tyre, since heavily bombed We stayed in the Christian quarter in a small hotel owned by a Lebanese man directly descended from a soldier in the Napoleonic army that invaded this part of the country We ate baby barracuda bought that morning from one of the fishing boats plying its trade outside the port We watched a fishing boat being built, visited the Roman site of an earlier port, bought some souvenirs from a shop selling Palestinian goods made in one of the local refugee camps, and marvelled at the beauty of the women in their bright headscarves and matching coats We saw UN vehicles and were aware that ten miles down the road was the Israeli border Tyre was a busy, lively peaceful place, and Ruth suggested that next time we came we should visit Qana, which she told us was the disputed Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine
Gillian Turner
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In this week's
online edition...
Travels in the North of Scotland
Jo and Jim Wickens My Faith/Your Faith
Frances Blair Cover
Beirut days continued...
Tony Manasseh News round-up Negotiations stop but work goes on
Martin Watson, Quaker UN Office, Geneva Pick your cotton carefully
Steve Trent Voices from the backwater
Sonia Waterton Letters Oasis of peace
Tony Crofts From my scrapbook
Brummana postscript
Gillian Turner Letter from Lebanon III
Tony Mannaseh, Beirut
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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