Lost and found - preview
very short story competition
It is a chilly first day of April in 1854 I am sitting on the kitchen settle feebly rocking the cradle and wondering if the new baby misses his twin, who died at birth
Jude walked quietly in He looked overjoyed as he dropped two newborn lambs into my lap He meant to please me, but was he forgetting our loss so soon? I dropped the warm, quivering creatures into the cradle beside the sleeping infant
These are the first lambs on the farm this year, and I can see Jude is proud of them Twins are rare 'Tis a shame they are both ram lambs', he said as he returned them to the pockets of his smock, 'but they'll increase the flock Thee could call them Jacob and Esau, not that they are spotted I'll get them back to the ewe Father is helping her recover She's had a hard time' Me too, I thought Shall I ever recover from all that's happened to me since I wed Jude a year since?
by Ruth Camm, Settle Monthly Meeting
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In this week's
online edition...
William and Lucy Johnson: Quaker martyrs in Madagascar
Edward Dommen Trusting the Business Method
Sarah M Richards, Northumbria MM Latvia, a new star on the Quaker Horizon
Gerald Drewett Cover
Alora and the shining lemon trees
Harvey Gillman The fruits of friendship
Maud Grainger, Coggeshall & Colchester MM Meeting for Sufferings round-up
news@thefriend.org News Round-up
news@thefriend.org Comment
Judy Kirby & Mary Cook Letters
editorial@thefriend.org Lost and found
by Ruth Camm, Settle Monthly Meeting Sufferings: adieu or au revoir?
Chas Raws
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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