Psychosis and spirituality: continuity and discontinuity - preview
Isabel Clarke discusses the ISPS UK and CHT conference
The International Society for the Psychological Treatments of the Schizophrenias and other psychoses is committed to developing psychotherapeutic approaches to psychosis implicitly challenging the assumption, traditional within psychiatry, that psychosis is an organic brain condition for which medication is the only effective treatment – one I would dispute as a clinical psychologist and therapist While acknowledging the important role that medication plays for anyone with severe and enduring mental health problems, I hold firmly that human beings need to make sense of their situation This is never more pressing than in the midst of the confusing experience of psychosis The ISPS is composed of people from different psychotherapeutic professions and none The focus on psychosis and spirituality exactly matched my core interests, and this choice of topic reflected the growing recognition of the importance of spiritual concerns within mental health
Isabel Clarke
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simon gray & John Ward Cover
News Round-up Proud to be a Quaker
Jennifer Kavanagh The Iranian nuclear crisis
Matthew Taylor Letters Iran: at work, play and prayer
Kath Worrall, Carlisle & Holm MM the blue which is its due
Susan Robson Psychosis and spirituality: continuity and discontinuity
Isabel Clarke Inspired by the pacifism and simplicity of Quakerism
Kim Sungsoo
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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