Letters - preview
New BYM logo
Extra letters included here that did not fit into this week's letters page
Thank goodness Barry Wilsher (21 April) has put into writing what I have been wrestling with in anger for weeks and I hasten to support every word he says Is it really a fait accompli that the new logo is now part of BYM identity? If so, it's a disgrace I have to emphasize that, known as clerk to General Meeting for Scotland, this is a strictly personal view but I can say that many in Scotland share my disquiet and indeed anger at the lack of proper consultation and of the finished product
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online edition...
simon gray & John Ward Cover
News Round-up
news@thefriend.org Proud to be a Quaker
Jennifer Kavanagh The Iranian nuclear crisis
Matthew Taylor Letters
editorial@thefriend.org Iran: at work, play and prayer
Kath Worrall, Carlisle & Holm MM the blue which is its due
Susan Robson Psychosis and spirituality: continuity and discontinuity
Isabel Clarke Inspired by the pacifism and simplicity of Quakerism
Kim Sungsoo
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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most recent comments:
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Marriage and committed relationships, Fee Berry
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Report shows that all is not well in multicultural Britain, chrissie hinde
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