The complex reasons for doing good - preview
Anna Sharman reviews The Sugar Wife, a play about Quakers in mid-nineteenth century Dublin
The Sugar Wife of the title is Hannah Tewkley, married to Samuel, a wealthy Quaker tea and sugar merchant in 1840s Dublin While he runs the business and donates money to charity, she visits the poor and raises money to print anti-slavery leaflets She persuades him to host Sarah, a freed slave on a lecture tour, and her companion Alfred, a great-grandson of Abraham Darby who has severed all ties with his rich ironworking family Each of these four people, as well as Martha, the syphilitic woman in an asylum whom Hannah visits, emerges as complex characters, each sympathetic yet reprehensible in their own way
Anna Sharman
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Peter Tatton-Brown & Judy Kirby US Quaker organisation calls for an end to the ‘new McCarthyism’ News Round-up The gentle giant of British Islam passes on
David Bone Spiritual direction
Laurie Andrews, Witham MM Letters The business of human rights
Luke Wilde q-eye The complex reasons for doing good
Anna Sharman On being Friends
Harvey Gillman Resisting tyranny
Linda Murgatroyd ‘My scientific theology’
Bob Johnson
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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