Be kindlers of the light, not snuffers - preview
Alec Davison imagines the Society’s growth from RECAST to renaissance
'Imagination is evidence of the divine' So let us imagine RECAST has successfully run its course and the Society is more trim, less committee encumbered and carries the least amount of religious superfluity for the maximum amount of spiritual expression Then what? What is the Quaker vision that we are empassioned to fulfil?
Simon Risley has challenged us by asking where are the Society's Visionaries (17 June) but no-one has retrieved his gauntlet Wise Friends know that one of the only matters all Quakers agree on is that we will not be told by anyone what to believe, who to follow or which direction to strike out upon It is easier to take a herd of llamas for a walk Authority, especially after the blood baths of the twentieth century, is discredited: gurus are surplus to requirements, weighty Quakers are suspect and all tall poppies are cut to size So where does this leave us?
Alec Davison, Hampstead MM
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muriel woodhead, 01 August
You refer to the widespread and growing phenomenon of the 'decline of religion and the growth of spirituality'. I have been bowled over by David Tacey's recent book - 'The Spirituality Revolution' - in which he examines this very phenomenon. Teaching at a university in Melbourne he devised a course on spirituality. What happened astonished him. Time and again he found young people were having profound spiritual experiences yet they did not belong to any specific church or faith group. The book is richly studded with the actual words of his students and they are very moving. Eley McAinsh who produces BBC 4's weekly religious programme 'Something Understood' is running day seminars on the phenomenon of the 'spirituality revolution' at St Anthony's Priory, Durham and at Sarum College Salisbury later in the year. Thank you for contributing to this subject with such pertinent and clear comments.
In this week's
online edition...
Evelyn M. Shire & Eudora Pascall Gearing up for BYM
News Round-up
A new Friend website
simon gray, website editor Be kindlers of the light, not snuffers
Alec Davison, Hampstead MM Letters
Pilgrim’s progress
Robert Steele q-eye
The art of writing for The Friend
Judy Kirby, Alison Leonard, & Daphne Glazer Ministry unfolds
Thomas Swain Comments at Britain Yearly Meeting
simon gray, website editor
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
this issue
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