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| Origami crane (photo: Tom Beyaert, |
Meeting and talking together
'The momentum of the moment can be used in a positive way – it has caused us all to be meeting together and talking together for a start'… was the feeling expressed at a meeting at Leeds Civic Hall last week called by civic leaders and attended by some one hundred interfaith and community leaders There was a good spread of faiths, men, women, civic representatives and police All were trying to seek positive ways forward for the city from the tensions due to local connections with the London bombings This was against a backdrop of police activity and international media encampment in the inner city areas of Burley and Beeston, and underreporting of incidents through fear
Evelyn M. Shire & Eudora Pascall
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In this week's
online edition...
Evelyn M. Shire & Eudora Pascall Gearing up for BYM
News Round-up
A new Friend website
simon gray, website editor Be kindlers of the light, not snuffers
Alec Davison, Hampstead MM Letters
Pilgrim’s progress
Robert Steele q-eye
The art of writing for The Friend
Judy Kirby, Alison Leonard, & Daphne Glazer Ministry unfolds
Thomas Swain Comments at Britain Yearly Meeting
simon gray, website editor
Things to do, where to stay, people to see etc...
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